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EduPlay Therapy

Effective Treatments for ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder

ADHD and Autism

We, at EduPlay Therapy offer a supportive and interactive environment for young minds to learn and grow. We offer Special Education, Occupational Therapy, ABA Based Behaviour Therapy and Speech Therapy for specially abled children with conditions such as ADHD and Autism, Down syndrome, Cerebral Palsy and Learning Disorder. We also provide parent training sessions to ensure that every parent can be an active participant in their child’s recovery.

Our multidisciplinary team will assess your child and provide you with a detailed report that will help you understand your child’s level of development. We will then, with your input devise an indivdualised program that will lay down goals for your child in keeping with their specific needs. Our staff will regularly update you on the progress that your child has made and will also provide you with revised goals from time to time.

ADHD and Autism

Receiving an adverse diagnosis for their child is one of the most traumatic experiences a parent can have. The days that follow are full of uncertainty, uncertainty which is made worse by the looming questions: the bad – “What course of treatment to seek? Which doctor to approach? How much will it cost?”, the worse: “Will my child ever be alright?” and the most harrowing question of all “Why my child?”. While we may not have all the answers, we are here to tell you that you are not alone. We have been in your shoes, felt your pain and heartache, asked the same questions as you. This website is dedicated to all Parents, to let you know we are with you and that we will do our best to help your little Superhero with Special Education to be their own best self.

Does your child ?

If your answer to more than two of the above of the above is ‘Yes’, you need to screen your child.

ADHD and Autism

Parents are the first ones to notice when something is amiss with their child. Catching conditions like ADHD and Autism- Attention Deficit /Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (Autism) early can make a huge difference, but whatever the child’s age, treatment can reduce the effects and help your child learn and grow.  ADHD is one of the most common neuro- developmental disorders of childhood which makes it difficult for the child to pay attention, control impulsive behaviour and be overly active. Autism Spectrum Disorder is marked by problems in three primary areas, namely communicating (both verbally and non verbally), forming meaningful attachments to people and thinking and behaving flexibly. Parents need to ask themselves

ADHD and Autism

Parents are the first ones to notice when something is amiss with their child. Catching conditions like Attention Deficit /Hyperactivity Disorder  (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (Autism) early can make a huge difference, but whatever the child’s age, treatment can reduce the effects and help your child learn and grow.  ADHD is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders of childhood which makes it difficult for the child to pay attention, control impulsive behaviour and be overly active. Autism Spectrum Disorder is marked by problems in three primary areas, namely communicating (both verbally and non verbally), forming meaningful attachments to people and thinking and behaving flexibly. Parents need to ask themselves :

Does your child

Have trouble focussing ?

Find it difficult to sit still ?

Not play with others ?

Not respond to affection ?

Avoid Eye contact ?

Not respond when called ?

Not imitate people ?

Not use fingers to point?

If your answer to more than two of the above of the above is ‘Yes’, you need to screen your child 

Our Services

Every special needs child or adult has unique strengths and challenges and so each  intervention or treatment plan should be tailored to address their specific needs. A person’s treatment plan can include behavioral interventions, speech therapy, sensory integration, other therapies, medicines or a combination of all of these. An early diagnosis coupled with swift and effective intervention, is paramount to achieving the best possible prognosis.

Get In Touch

Wish to enquire about our services or anything else? You can walk in during office hours, give us a call or simply submit the form here.
EduPlay Therapy is a multi disciplinary therapy and early intervention center for children with special needs.

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